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Period Ease Bundle

Herbal Collection

Period Ease Bundle

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Period Ease Bundle


This powerful combination features our Period Ease Tincture and the "Lady in the Red Dress" herbal blend.

Period Ease Tincture

Discover the transformative power of our Period Ease Tincture, meticulously blended with chasteberry and red raspberry. This alcohol-based tincture delivers a potent and efficient infusion of herbal benefits, fostering hormonal balance and providing soothing relief from menstrual discomfort. With a user-friendly dosage, seamlessly integrate this elixir into your daily routine, paving the way for a more balanced mood and increased overall well-being.

Lady in the Red Dress Herbal Blend

Lady in the Red Dress is an infusion of ginger, red raspberry, fennel, hibiscus, and peppermint. This blend complements the Period Ease Tincture, offering additional support for menstrual health. Each sip becomes a moment of tranquility, transforming this tea blend into your favorite daily ritual.

The Magic of Synergy:

Period Ease Tincture and "Lady in the Red Dress" herbal blend work seamlessly together. Their thoughtfully selected herbs create a holistic approach to hormonal balance and overall wellness. Encased in elegant packaging, this bundle adds a touch of sophistication to your self-care routine.

Why Choose Our Wellness Symphony Bundle:

  • Comprehensive Women's Health Support: Address hormonal balance and menstrual comfort naturally with Period Ease.

  • Quality Ingredients: Crafted with premium herbs for optimal effectiveness.

  • Easy Integration: Follow our simple dosage recommendations for a hassle-free wellness routine.

  • Rituals of Tranquility: Embrace daily moments of tranquility with the delightful tea blend.

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Shake Well: Before each use, give the Period Ease Tincture bottle a good shake to ensure an even distribution of the herbal extracts.

  1. Dosage: Adults, take 1 full dropper (approximately 30 drops) 2-3 times daily. Adjust the dosage as needed based on individual responses and preferences.

  2. Administration: For optimal absorption, hold the tincture under your tongue for 30 seconds before swallowing. Alternatively, you can mix the recommended dosage with a small amount of water or juice.

  3. Consistency is Key: For the best results, incorporate the Period Ease Tincture into your daily routine consistently. Consider taking it at the same time each day to establish a wellness ritual.

  4. Consultation: Before starting any new supplement regimen, especially if pregnant, nursing, have a medical condition, or taking medication, it's advisable to consult with a healthcare professional.

Suggested Use for Lady in the Red Dress Herbal Blend:

  1. Brewing Instructions: Place 1-2 teaspoon of the Lady in the Red Dress herbal blend in a tea infuser or teapot.

  2. Hot Tea: Pour hot water over the herbal blend and let it steep for a minimum of minutes. Adjust steeping time based on your desired strength.

  3. Daily Enjoyment: Incorporate Lady in the Red Dress into your daily routine, savoring the delightful flavors and benefiting from the herbs' natural properties.

  4. Consultation: If you have specific health concerns or conditions, consult with a healthcare professional before adding herbal blends to your routine.

Remember, individual responses may vary, so pay attention to how your body responds and adjust the dosage or brewing strength as needed. Consistency and mindfulness in your daily routine will help you fully experience the benefits of both the Period Ease Tincture and the Lady in the Red Dress Herbal Blend.