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Healing Blog

Letter to my Emotionally Unavailable Mother

Chamalis Wesley

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Letter to my Emotionally Unavailable Mother

Love from a mother with narcissistic tendencies is unpredictable and punctuated by control and anger. A narcissistic mother is incapable of having unconditional love for their children. The love that she will give will only be based off conditions.

Because of this some of us grow up feeling like we aren’t good enough. Some of us grow up not having a clue on what healthy relationships look like or what it feels like to truly be loved. We go out into the world unable to give unconditional love to people because it was never given to us.

I have a lot of experiences with my mother in which I will share in upcoming posts and books but for the purpose of this blog, I am going to choose to share an experience that is relevant to this blog.

When I was a teenager, I was scared to express myself to my mother out loud because I feared that she would dismiss anything that I said and deem it as being “disrespectful. I also feared that her response to my feelings would make me feel empty and sad.  So, I decided to write her a letter and leave it on her bed so that she could read it while I wasn’t present.

In the letter, I would express to my mother that I didn’t feel loved, and I wanted to know what I could do for her to give me the love I desired. I would apologize in the letter for whatever I done to receive the treatment that was being given. I poured my heart out in an open letter to my mother twice and both times she never responded to either as if she never seen them.

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Not receiving any acknowledgement of my feelings or seeing any changed behavior really made me hate my life and I was not a happy child. This in turn made me shut off my feelings while forming a hard exterior making it difficult for anyone to get close to me. I thought no one else would truly love me or show me real love if my own mother couldn’t give me that.

As a child, I wrote those letters because I was crying out for my mother’s attention and love. Today, I write a letter because it is what I need to close this chapter with my mother, and it has helped with the end part of my healing process.

I am writing this letter for myself and for every woman who’s had to go through this life’s experience with a narcissistic mother.

This letter is not only to help me heal and grieve the relationship that I’ve accepted will never exist between my mother and I but also to be of help to anyone who’s experience this along with me.

Below I have pinned a letter to my mother as a way for me to give my subconscious mind what it needs to be able to make peace with my experiences:

To my mother, all I ever wanted was to feel and be loved by you. To have your support, compassion and understanding but it was something that you just couldn’t give to me. I know being able to do those things was foreign to you because your mom was also a piece of work who didn’t give you what you needed. However, I cannot let you slide simply because you didn’t have the blueprint. A lot of people don’t have the blueprint to being a good mother, but it doesn’t stop them from doing whatever they can to become a better person/mother.

I remember when I use to write you letters crying out for your help and love. I used to pour my heart out in those letters letting you know that I did not feel loved and that I was willing to do anything to be able to have and feel loved. You never responded to the letters and to this day, you will deny ever receiving any letters from me.

As a matter of fact, you will deny any childhood trauma that I bring up to you so that you don’t have to come to terms with how much you dropped the ball as my mother. You will deny how you treated certain siblings different from me because it keeps you from accepting the fact that you aren’t a good person. If you acknowledged my experiences, you would have to admit that there isn’t a genuine bone in your body.

Because how could a decent human being have favorites when it comes to feeding kids, clothing them, and loving them. How could you do something for one child but not the other? Kids are kids and it was your responsibility as my mother to love me, protect me, support me, and love me unconditionally.  

You traumatized me, damaged me, verbally abused me, humiliated me publicly and inflicted so much pain on me. You broke my heart and my trust to where I would cringe at the thought of being vulnerable and trusting others. I thought I had to be mean in order to keep from being hurt by people that I created this distorted identity. I didn’t want to be mean and unloving to people, but it was the only thing I could come up with to protect myself. There isn’t one stranger who has come close to the amount of hurt you have caused me. You have the world fooled because you get to lie and control the narrative on your end; I like to call that a master manipulator.

I used to get so angry when you’d make a Happy Birthday post to me on social media but wouldn’t even pick up the phone to say it verbally or talk to me. I used to get so angry when you’d post on social media that you were proud of me but wasn’t even picking up the phone to talk to me. It used to anger me because of the audacity you had to show fake love to the world. That shouldn’t have surprised me when you’d be nice to strangers and come home to not even speak to your own child.

Out of all the fucked-up experiences and trauma I encountered, there were some things that I learned from you being my “mother”. I learned to love my kids unconditionally and give them room to be themselves while being able to express themselves. I learned to never show kids that you have “favorites” and single them out.

I now understand as an adult, the reason you treated me the way you did is because you weren’t happy deep within and because you had a lot of fucked programming that occurred when you were growing up. You had no clue what true happiness looks like or living your life to fullest.

I understand that how you treated me was a necessary part of my spiritual journey in order to fulfill my purpose and the most high’s plan for my life.

However, just because I understand the why I had to go through this experience doesn’t mean I have to deal with you or have a place for you in my life.

I am creating a better life for me and my kids and I’m not referring to monetary things. I get to create a house filled with love, compassion and understanding. I get to create a bond where we truly know, understand and support each other through every phase of life that we go through. I am proud to NEVER be like you and I am proud that my kids don’t get to experience a mother like you. I don’t wish you bad nor do I wish you well, but I am grateful that you decided to deliver a beautiful queen inside and out who will share her story in hopes of changing the world one person at a time. I am also grateful because I get to stop this generational curse that was pass down to you from your mother.

My desire to have a relationship with you is no longer there as I realize that I can’t have a safe relationship with someone who lacks accountability and compassion. I’ve grieved my losses, I forgive you, but I will never forget.

I know that I was meant to love and give freely but now I know that it’s all about having discernment on who I should love and give freely to. I get to still be me while protecting my heart at the same time. I am so much better now, and I am proud of the woman that I am.

From this day forward, I dedicate my life to uplifting, encouraging, supporting and understanding kids as they are the future. Children depend on adults to equip them with the tools needed to be successful, loving adults and I vow to give them the tools needed.

In this letter, I am leaving the resentment and bitterness I have towards you. You no longer owe me anything and I am responsible for loving the inner child in me. I will honor you by choosing to stay away from you and being subjected to your toxic energy. I choose to liberate myself from you while setting you free from the expectation I had of you.

 I am choosing to live life and be me unapologetically.

For those of who you are/ have experienced this, join me in a writing a letter to your mother in order to start releasing all the hurt and pain you have been caused. To release the self-sabotaging beliefs that you have been believing about yourself.

If you have a story you would like to share, please send it to me at the handles below:

Follow me on IG @queensawakening

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5 Reasons You Should do Hypnotherapy

Chamalis Wesley

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Most people believe when you are receiving hypnotherapy that you will be under the control of the hypnotist and can be made to do things against your wishes, but this is not true.

Hypnosis is an altered state of consciousness which allows us to narrow our focus and to have more access to the creative and imaginative unconscious mind.

Some people think they will be forced to tell secrets while under hypnosis which is also not true. In hypnosis you will always be aware of the hypnotist voice, aware of what is happening and always have the power to stop hypnosis by opening your eyes and simply not following suggestions given. Hypnosis is NOT what you have watched on movies/ or tv shows.

Your subconscious mind controls all vital processes of your body. It already knows the answers to your problems and it already knows how to heal you. “ -Dr. Jill Carnahan

Now that we’ve debunk some of the “myths” of hypnosis, I will give you 5 reasons you should do hypnotherapy.

  1. If there’s a pattern in your life that you haven’t been able to break

  2. If you have experienced trauma in your childhood, adult life, or both.

  3. If you have constant negative thoughts and self-doubt.

  4. If you are trying to start a business or new venture but fear is holding you back.

  5. If you find yourself procrastinating on getting things done.

Feelings of self-doubt, fear, anxiety etc. does not just come out of nowhere as you were not born with these feelings. There is something that has happened or things you may have experienced that you are holding on to subconsciously. In order to break free of these things and feelings you must first get to the root cause, heal that part of you and plant new positive sees.

I personally tried everything when I was experiencing the feelings mentioned above and I tried therapy, meditation, journaling, and lighting sage but I still felt like I needed more. Now don’t get me wrong, meditation, therapy, and journaling are helpful and they all still play a huge part of my daily routine but I knew I had to tap into something that would deal with my issues on a deeper level.

I began researching on google different ways to connect with my inner self and do a complete healing which led me to hypnotherapy. I had no clue that hypnotherapy was something that people would do outside of movies and tv shows. After doing my research, my intuition was telling me that hypnotherapy was the exact thing I needed to help assist with doing a complete healing.

Once you realize that what you’re currently doing isn’t working and you truly want to reach a different level in your life, you will be willing to try new things and do whatever it takes.

If something you’re doing isn’t working, you shouldn’t have any hesitation on trying something new and different.


I recommend hypnotherapy for anyone no matter what you’ve experience in life. Hypnotherapy works in many ways and situations.

If anything, you have read in this blog has resonated with you anyway, Click the link below to schedule a session with me and mention the code “Awakening” to receive 20% off your first session.

Allow me to help empower you to change your past experiences, your future, and heal your inner child.

Book Here:

If you aren’t quite ready to schedule a session, click below and follow me on my social media sites for daily inspiration and healing tips.

"Stop RUNNING from Yourself"

Chamalis Wesley

| A broken heart often makes us act

impulsively to try and ease our pain.

The pain of a broken heart can disguise

 itself if you don’t deal with it|


I remember growing up I would hear people say the best way to get over a man is to get under a new one. I realized as an adult I had adapted that mentality and found myself jumping from one relationship to the next in order to get over the last man.

 I craved the idea of being in a relationship and I didn’t want to go a day without having someone to talk to. I didn’t want to be alone and I sure wasn’t going to be sitting around dealing with the pain of a broken heart. I wasn’t going to sit there and allow myself to feel vulnerable, pain and brokenness.

The truth is, I didn’t want to address where I went wrong in the relationship. I didn’t want to truly address my insecurities and flaws that caused me to even be in a relationship that wasn’t for me; so, I ran every time, from one man to the next thinking that was helping me “get” over one man and heartbreak. I was thinking it was some magical cure that was mending a broken heart. When in all actuality, all I was doing was missing the opportunity of embracing my singleness and getting to KNOW who I really was. I was missing the opportunity of building and uplifting the broken woman deep inside of me.

It wasn’t until last year that I realized the importance of spending alone time with myself and getting to know who I really am. When I say spend alone time, I mean not being in contact with ANY man at all because sometimes we will say that we are taking time out from being in a relationship, however, we will still keep in contact or have someone as a “friend”. In the moments that you are feeling vulnerable and you’re wanting to back out of doing the work towards healing, you’ll ending up running to that “friend” and find yourself back in another “situation ship”. So, taking out time to simply love and get to know you without ANY distractions is very imperative.

So, every time you jump from one relationship to another without healing first, you lose a piece of who you really are. Jumping from one relationship to the next does not cure a broken heart, insecurities, or fill the void of emptiness you feel on the inside. It’s like taking a painkiller to only get temporary relief from your pain. The only cure to healing is you taking INTENTIONAL time out to focus on you. Time to learn what you love about yourself and the things you need to change about you. Taking the time to really work on loving and enjoying yourself.

Queen, Stop RUNNING from yourself and WORK on yourself! 



If you are struggling with heartbreak or you aren’t sure what to do to begin your healing process. Purchase my eBook here



If you would like insight on how you can start working on becoming a better you by taking control of your day download my free eBook here


Love and blessings
