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5 Reasons You Should do Hypnotherapy

Healing Blog

5 Reasons You Should do Hypnotherapy

Chamalis Wesley

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Most people believe when you are receiving hypnotherapy that you will be under the control of the hypnotist and can be made to do things against your wishes, but this is not true.

Hypnosis is an altered state of consciousness which allows us to narrow our focus and to have more access to the creative and imaginative unconscious mind.

Some people think they will be forced to tell secrets while under hypnosis which is also not true. In hypnosis you will always be aware of the hypnotist voice, aware of what is happening and always have the power to stop hypnosis by opening your eyes and simply not following suggestions given. Hypnosis is NOT what you have watched on movies/ or tv shows.

Your subconscious mind controls all vital processes of your body. It already knows the answers to your problems and it already knows how to heal you. “ -Dr. Jill Carnahan

Now that we’ve debunk some of the “myths” of hypnosis, I will give you 5 reasons you should do hypnotherapy.

  1. If there’s a pattern in your life that you haven’t been able to break

  2. If you have experienced trauma in your childhood, adult life, or both.

  3. If you have constant negative thoughts and self-doubt.

  4. If you are trying to start a business or new venture but fear is holding you back.

  5. If you find yourself procrastinating on getting things done.

Feelings of self-doubt, fear, anxiety etc. does not just come out of nowhere as you were not born with these feelings. There is something that has happened or things you may have experienced that you are holding on to subconsciously. In order to break free of these things and feelings you must first get to the root cause, heal that part of you and plant new positive sees.

I personally tried everything when I was experiencing the feelings mentioned above and I tried therapy, meditation, journaling, and lighting sage but I still felt like I needed more. Now don’t get me wrong, meditation, therapy, and journaling are helpful and they all still play a huge part of my daily routine but I knew I had to tap into something that would deal with my issues on a deeper level.

I began researching on google different ways to connect with my inner self and do a complete healing which led me to hypnotherapy. I had no clue that hypnotherapy was something that people would do outside of movies and tv shows. After doing my research, my intuition was telling me that hypnotherapy was the exact thing I needed to help assist with doing a complete healing.

Once you realize that what you’re currently doing isn’t working and you truly want to reach a different level in your life, you will be willing to try new things and do whatever it takes.

If something you’re doing isn’t working, you shouldn’t have any hesitation on trying something new and different.


I recommend hypnotherapy for anyone no matter what you’ve experience in life. Hypnotherapy works in many ways and situations.

If anything, you have read in this blog has resonated with you anyway, Click the link below to schedule a session with me and mention the code “Awakening” to receive 20% off your first session.

Allow me to help empower you to change your past experiences, your future, and heal your inner child.

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