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Healing Blog

"Stop RUNNING from Yourself"

Chamalis Wesley

| A broken heart often makes us act

impulsively to try and ease our pain.

The pain of a broken heart can disguise

 itself if you don’t deal with it|


I remember growing up I would hear people say the best way to get over a man is to get under a new one. I realized as an adult I had adapted that mentality and found myself jumping from one relationship to the next in order to get over the last man.

 I craved the idea of being in a relationship and I didn’t want to go a day without having someone to talk to. I didn’t want to be alone and I sure wasn’t going to be sitting around dealing with the pain of a broken heart. I wasn’t going to sit there and allow myself to feel vulnerable, pain and brokenness.

The truth is, I didn’t want to address where I went wrong in the relationship. I didn’t want to truly address my insecurities and flaws that caused me to even be in a relationship that wasn’t for me; so, I ran every time, from one man to the next thinking that was helping me “get” over one man and heartbreak. I was thinking it was some magical cure that was mending a broken heart. When in all actuality, all I was doing was missing the opportunity of embracing my singleness and getting to KNOW who I really was. I was missing the opportunity of building and uplifting the broken woman deep inside of me.

It wasn’t until last year that I realized the importance of spending alone time with myself and getting to know who I really am. When I say spend alone time, I mean not being in contact with ANY man at all because sometimes we will say that we are taking time out from being in a relationship, however, we will still keep in contact or have someone as a “friend”. In the moments that you are feeling vulnerable and you’re wanting to back out of doing the work towards healing, you’ll ending up running to that “friend” and find yourself back in another “situation ship”. So, taking out time to simply love and get to know you without ANY distractions is very imperative.

So, every time you jump from one relationship to another without healing first, you lose a piece of who you really are. Jumping from one relationship to the next does not cure a broken heart, insecurities, or fill the void of emptiness you feel on the inside. It’s like taking a painkiller to only get temporary relief from your pain. The only cure to healing is you taking INTENTIONAL time out to focus on you. Time to learn what you love about yourself and the things you need to change about you. Taking the time to really work on loving and enjoying yourself.

Queen, Stop RUNNING from yourself and WORK on yourself! 



If you are struggling with heartbreak or you aren’t sure what to do to begin your healing process. Purchase my eBook here



If you would like insight on how you can start working on becoming a better you by taking control of your day download my free eBook here


Love and blessings
